Your Endodontic journey
Our team of dentists including Specialists are highly experienced in delivering successful Endodontic treatments. During your consultation, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have and our team will ensure you understand all aspects of procedures and expectations. Your treatment journey will be fully explained and a treatment plan will be provided.
We understand that procedures such as root canal treatment can cause a little dental anxiety, however, our team are here to support you and deliver a comfortable and relaxing experience throughout.
We will manage your comfort throughout the procedure by administering a local anaesthetic that will numb the area we are working on. You will not be able to feel any pain, but you may feel a little pressure.
The first stage of treatment will involve removing the infected pulp tissue from the inside of the tooth, we will then cleanse the pulp chamber. Once the empty pulp chamber has been thoroughly cleaned it will be filled with a material that replicates the pulp.
The tooth will then be sealed to prevent further infection. Root canal treatment will relieve the pain that comes with the infection.
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